Justin Bieber announces he is going to be a father

Justin Bieber announces he is going to be a father
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Justin Bieber announced on his Instagram, this Thursday (9), that he is going to be a father. In a video with Hailey Bieber, his wife, posted by him, it is possible to see her belly already starting to grow, while she poses in white in a field. In addition to the video, the couple posted photos of the two of them.

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On the post, friends and fans commented congratulating the couple, who got married in September 2018.

“Congratulations,” said Chance The Rapper. “I love you guys so much,” Kim Kardashian commented.

This month, a Brazilian woman took photos and videos of Justin Bieber and his wife, model Hailey Bieber, in Hawaii, and increased rumors of a possible pregnancy. For a few weeks now, fans have noticed details and changes in Hailey’s body, which would indicate that she is expecting the couple’s first child.

“She looks pregnant, yes. Only those who have been mothers recognize another mother’s walk”, “As a newly pregnant woman I say: She’s pregnant”, “I think baby Bieber is coming”, Girl who filmed, is she pregnant?”, were some of the comments from internet users. Others commented that the model is not expecting a baby: “Guys, I didn’t see any belly”, “To me it just looks like she’s wearing a loose dress”, I didn’t notice anything”, were some opinions on the web. .




