Singer confused Madonna and Maradona

Singer confused Madonna and Maradona
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He commented that the hotel is his favorite in the world: “I’ve never taken a vacation here, but when I get the chance, my wife and I, when we have time… our favorite hotel in the world is the Copacabana Palace, in Rio.”

Then, Bial stated that Madonna was in the same place. “I know! I got confused and thought it was Maradona! I immediately thought, my God, Maradona is going to do a show, he came back to life! In front of 2.5 million people!”, said the vocalist, laughing.

The vocalist also explained the origin of his nickname, “Aircraft Siren”, which came from a negative comment: “When I joined Iron Maiden, someone wrote a letter [para a banda] saying ‘I hate the new singer, he sounds like an air raid siren’, and our manager thought ‘great! The Human Aircraft Siren'”.

He also spoke about the remission of stage 3 cancer in the throat region, which was treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy: “It was very hard on the body, but I got rid of it [do câncer]. It’s like putting your head in a microwave for two months. Everything is irritated and needs to relax.” He said it took him about 10 months to return to the stage.

Dickinson’s band, Iron Maiden, will go on tour later this year and will play two shows in the city of São Paulo, on December 6th and 7th. A The Future Past comes to Brazil after passing through Australia, New Zealand, Japan, United States, Argent

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Singer confused Madonna Maradona




