Bruce Dickinson confuses Madonna with Maradona in a hotel in Rio | TV & Celebrities

Bruce Dickinson confuses Madonna with Maradona in a hotel in Rio | TV & Celebrities
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Bruce Dickinson confuses Madonna with Maradona in hotel in Rio

“I’ve never taken a vacation here, but when I get the chance, my wife and I, when we have time… our favorite hotel in the world is the Copacabana Palace, in Rio.” Bial then commented that Madonna was there. And Bruce said:

“I know! I got confused and thought it was Maradona! I immediately thought, my God, Maradona is going to do a show, he’s come back to life! For 2.5 million people! (laughter)”.

1 of 2 Bruce Dickinson talks about shows in Brazil on Conversa com Bial — Photo: Globo
Bruce Dickinson talks about shows in Brazil on Conversa com Bial — Photo: Globo

In the interview, the rock star also recalled the first time he was called “Anti-Aircraft Siren”. “This story is strange because it was actually a swear word. When I joined Iron Maiden, someone wrote a letter saying they hated the new singer, that his voice sounded like an air raid siren and our manager thought that was great. He turned it into something different!”

2 of 2 Bian interviews Brice Dickinson on Conversa com Bial — Photo: Globo
Bian interviews Brice Dickinson on Conversa com Bial — Photo: Globo

See more excerpts from the program:

Bruce Dickinson talks about his solo tour “Mandrake Project”

Bruce Dickinson talks about his solo tour “Mandrake Project”

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Bruce Dickinson confuses Madonna Maradona hotel Rio Celebrities




