What is the film in today’s ‘Afternoon Session’? Discover ‘Miracles from Paradise’, a film based on a true story

What is the film in today’s ‘Afternoon Session’? Discover ‘Miracles from Paradise’, a film based on a true story
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1 of 1 Scene from the film ‘Miracles from Paradise’

Scene from the film ‘Miracles from Paradise’ reproduction

The film ‘Miracles in Paradise’ is the highlight of this Friday’s ‘Afternoon Session’ (10). The film tells the story of Christy and Kevin Beam, who are parents of three girls: Abbie, Annabel and Adelynn. They live in a comfortable house with five dogs and have just opened a veterinary clinic, which means they have to tighten their belts and mortgage the house. Convinced Christians, the Beams go to church frequently. One day, Annabel begins to feel severe pain in her abdomen. After many tests, it is discovered that the girl has a serious digestive problem. This situation causes Christy to seek at all costs some way to save her daughter’s life, at the same time that she moves further and further away from her belief in God.

What time does the ‘Afternoon Session’ start?
This Friday, May 10th, the “Afternoon Session” starts at 3:25 pm, according to TV Globo’s schedule.


Actors admit to breaking furniture while recording sex scenes for series

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: film todays Afternoon Session Discover Miracles Paradise film based true story




