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Palliative Care Hospital will have a tender to select OS; Unit delivery must be made in the 2nd semester

The Hospital of Palliative care in Salvador there will be a new opening date. Last Saturday (4), Governor Jerônimo Rodrigues (PT) visited and inspected the site where the unit is being built. Scheduled to be delivered between April and May this year, work on the equipment was delayed, causing delivery to be postponed until the second half of this year, in July.

The information was anticipated by the coordinator of palliative care services in Bahia, Karoline Castro. According to the doctor, some finishing issues and furniture purchases are still being carried out by the agency.

“The work [do hospital] is now scheduled for the second semester. We’re even going to do a technical visit there, but we’re already buying furniture, all of that, but we’re waiting for the work to finish. It is currently in the final finishing phase, which takes a little longer,” Castro told Bahia Notícias.

According to the coordinator, a tender should be published in the Official State Gazette (DOE) soon, to select a social organization that will manage the health unit.

“We still don’t have a defined social organization and the bidding should be opening at any time, but there is no date yet. Everything is already here at the secretariat, at the technical core, we have already gone through everything and we are in the bureaucratic delivery phase. So this should be disclosed at any time”, Karoline revealed to BN.

Currently in Bahia, around 8 thousand patients receive palliative care. In addition, around 33 health units offer this type of treatment for patients and their families.

“More than six thousand adult patients and around two to three thousand pediatric patients, throughout the program, which started in 2020. The volume of assistance at the center is enormous, as there are 33, which include maternity and hospital. We ended up increasing a lot”, indicated the coordinator.


Bahia is the first state in Brazil to have a Palliative Care Technical Center within the State Health Departments. The nucleus is responsible for managing all 33 commissions across the state. In the capital of Bahia, the commissions are divided into Hospital Roberto Santos, Hospital Geral do Estado (HGE) and Hospital do Subúrbio. In the interior, the collegiate bodies are distributed in units in Jequié, Santo Antônio de Jesus, among others.

The model has become a reference even in the Ministry of Health, which must replicate the format throughout the country. Still in the state, patients indicated for palliative care will have requests to be transferred via regulation. The Palliative Care Hospital committee will analyze the medical records and may make a visit according to the patient’s level of complexity.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Palliative Care Hospital tender select Unit delivery #2nd semester