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Writer from Tocantins launches book of poetry about everyday life and emotions in life | Tocantins

1 of 2 Marco Antônio will launch a book of poetry at the Cultural Space — Photo: Divulgação/Jaciara Barros
Marco Antônio will launch a book of poetry at the Cultural Space — Photo: Divulgação/Jaciara Barros

With themes about everyday life, Tocantins stories and love stories, the poetry book “Espaço do Núcleo” will be launched this Wednesday (8). The work was written by the engineer and businessman from Porto, Marco Antônio Costa, aged 68.

The book is divided into six chapters that explore different themes. The poems tell a little about the author’s life story, recounting in verse subjects related to the city where he was born and the state of Tocantins.

“My permanent search for understanding all the possibilities of expressing life in just one verse was my main motivation. The other, of course, was my great emotion for the road I traveled”, said Marco Antônio.

2 of 2 Espaço do Núcleo will be launched this Wednesday (8) — Photo: Reproduction/Personal Archive
Core Space will be launched this Wednesday (8) — Photo: Reproduction/Personal Archive

Despite working in an area focused on exact sciences, Marco has always ventured into the art of writing. Since he was young, he decided to put his emotions into poems, which are now part of the book.

“Poetry and mathematics for me are synonymous. It’s like the abstract and the concrete giving meaning to life. I’ve been writing since I was young and the book reveals current poems and others that portray early writings”, said the author.

The event will be at the Jaime Câmara library, which is located in the José Gomes Sobrinho Cultural Space, from 7pm.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Writer Tocantins launches book poetry everyday life emotions life Tocantins