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Advisor to councilor Benny Briolly is the target of aggression and denounces transphobia in Cabo Frio | Rio de Janeiro

Ariela was left with several bruises on her body – Social Network

Ariela had several bruises on her bodySocial network

Published 05/05/2024 19:34 | Updated 05/05/2024 19:40

Rio – The advisor to councilor Benny Briolly (Psol) denounces having been the target of aggression and transphobia in a bar in Cabo Frio, in the Lagos Region, in the early hours of this Sunday (5). Ariela Nascimento was accompanied by her boyfriend, a trans man, she had a broken arm and was left with several bruises due to the violence of the attacks.

On social media, Ariela made a huge outburst and reported that the transphobic acts began while she and her boyfriend were exchanging affection and affection. “A cis man started making transphobic and violent comments, which made us extremely uncomfortable and threatened. When we decided to leave and return home, we were surprised by a group of cis men who cowardly attacked me. They attacked me with kicks and blows. madeira, and my boyfriend, Bruno, was also injured trying to protect me”, he said.

Ariela was attacked by at least five men. “We were targets of brutal attacks simply for being who we are: Trans people,” she lamented.

After this episode, the advisor said he went to the hospital looking for help, where he suffered another episode of transphobia, when he was attacked by the health unit’s security guard.

“Angel, who came to support me in conjunction with the Citizenship Center and the municipality’s Superintendence, was treated with disrespect and negligence by the medical team, who refused to provide the necessary information so that she could file a complaint with me and report what happened, and was also attacked with my boyfriend by a hospital security guard while trying to find ways to help me get justice for the whole situation”, she said.

Finally, Ariela said she feared the consequences of the attacks. “I simply don’t have words to describe all the pain I feel and the trauma I experienced, my entire body has deep marks, my face is no longer the same and I’m scared of what could happen with the blows I took that They even hit my industrial silicone that I have on my breasts, I hope there is justice and that we can have access to the cameras at the place where I was attacked so that the attackers can be identified and punished.” she finished.

On social media, councilor Benny Briolly supported her friend. “Absurd, my sister! This case represents yet another attack on our political project, which we built together. We are already taking any and all measures regarding what happened. Transphobia is a crime! Solidarity, companion”, she said.

The case was registered at the 126th DP (Cabo Frio). Cabo Frio City Hall was contacted by the report THE DAY did not comment on the possible case of transphobia in the health unit. The space is open for demonstrations.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Advisor councilor Benny Briolly target aggression denounces transphobia Cabo Frio Rio Janeiro