brazil Posts English

Agreement between BRDE and Sebrae should give micro and small companies a boost in SC

BRDE and Sebrae/SC signed a technical cooperation agreement this week with the aim of boosting the economic and social development of Santa Catarina. The strategic partnership promises to strengthen the competitiveness and innovation of micro and small companies in Santa Catarina.

The agreement establishes the holding of periodic meetings to advance common negotiations and projects in the areas of competitiveness, innovation and territorial development, in addition to credit for micro and small companies. “We want to be closer to Sebrae, think about projects aimed at energy efficiency and exports. We are launching a credit platform in the first half of the year and this cooperation will be essential to guide businesspeople in the correct use of credit, reducing defaults”, believes João Paulo Kleinübing, president of BRDE.

The entities are committed to promoting competitiveness and productivity in SC, by identifying common interests, expanding the dissemination of financial support alternatives…

The agreement establishes the holding of periodic meetings to advance common negotiations and projects in the areas of competitiveness, innovation and territorial development, in addition to credit for micro and small companies. “We want to be closer to Sebrae, think about projects aimed at energy efficiency and exports. We are launching a credit platform in the first half of the year and this cooperation will be essential to guide businesspeople in the correct use of credit, reducing defaults”, believes João Paulo Kleinübing, president of BRDE.

The entities are committed to promoting competitiveness and productivity in SC, through the identification of common interests, expanding the dissemination of financial support alternatives and the use of strategic tools. “We make all of our service agencies and Entrepreneur Rooms available to BRDE so that we can carry out training together and offer BRDE credit lines to entrepreneurs”, explains Fabio Zanuzzi, technical director at Sebrae.

The act of signing the agreement was attended by the superintendent of the BRDE Agency in Florianópolis, Marcone Souza Melo, and the chief of staff of the BRDE presidency, Nelson Ronnie dos Santos.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Agreement BRDE Sebrae give micro small companies boost