Bonito (MS) was chosen to host AdventureELEVATE 2025


Brazil will host Adventure ELEVATE 2025, an international conference on ecotourism, organized by the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA).

The announcement of the city of Bonito (MS) as host took place this Wednesday (8), at AdventureELEVATE América, in Quito, Ecuador.

The president of Embratur, Marcelo Freixo, participated in the event that made the new host city official. He was with representatives from the Mato Grosso do Sul Tourism Foundation and Bonito city hall.

Freixo highlighted that the Agency formalized support for the city’s candidacy in South Grosso in 2023 and highlighted that the city is an international reference in ecotourism.


“Hosting an event of this magnitude in Bonito is a message to the world from a Brazil that is the main ecotourism destination on the planet, and promotes a type of tourism that aims to build a better world,” said Freixo.

At the event, the president of Embratur also highlighted the resumption of environmental policies under the current Federal Government administration.

For the vice-president of the Adventure Travel Trade Association, Gabriella Stowell, the city’s choice represents an example of a destination that practices sustainable tourism for the world.

“Beautiful is the destination that we say has everything an adventure destination should have: nature, culture and physical activity. It is very interesting for Brazil to be present at this event in Latin America, because we are different from our neighbors”, highlighted Stowell.

“About choosing Bonito, we are very happy, it is a dream, as we have been working with these destinations at fairs for a long time”, he added.

The president of the Mato Grosso do Sul Tourism Foundation, Bruno Wendling, highlighted Bonito’s ability to hold a major event.

“The reference we have today is the result of joint work between the public and private sector over more than forty years towards responsible tourism”, he pointed out.

Embratur is a member of ATTA, and carried out actions aimed at nature tourism this year in partnership with the institution, such as the four editions of “AdventureConnect”, held in the first quarter of 2024 in Madrid (Spain), Boston (United States) , Berlin (Germany) and Washington (United States).

These actions represent opportunities to promote Brazil’s image as a reference destination for the practice of Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism in the world, aligned with environmental preservation and conservation practices.

For the municipal secretary of Tourism of Bonito, Juliane Salvadori, Bonito could be the gateway for more international tourists to visit other cities in the state.

“Bonito, we know that it is a reference in ecotourism in our country and we have participated in these international events for many years, many of them in partnership with Embratur”, he said.

“With this closer support from the Agency, all this support at the level of the federal government, it really means that we can carry out several actions that have very effective results for our municipality, such as international promotion in a stronger way”, he concluded .


The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Bonito chosen host AdventureELEVATE




