Volunteers from Minas Gerais send 50 tons of donations to Rio Grande do Sul

Volunteers from Minas Gerais send 50 tons of donations to Rio Grande do Sul
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Receive on the right, deliver on the left. Hand in hand, in uninterrupted synchrony, thousands of bales of mineral water leave Pampulha airport, in Belo Horizonte, and go straight into a trailer. Soon, this material and several others donated in recent days will go to Rio Grande do Sul, as a way of helping the victims of the tragedy.

The coordinated movements are carried out by soldiers from the Fire Department of Minas Gerais, who are part of the Fundação Salvar, and by dozens of other ordinary people who want to show solidarity with the people of Rio Grande do Sul, whether by donating, separating or carrying the 50 tons of donations collected only in last 24 hours for the project.

“This is the initial milestone of this action that has no end date. We received many donations and we will continue to do so to help those people with whatever is needed”, said the president of the institution, Major Adriana Souza.

According to her, since Sunday (5) the terminal has provided space to store the donations that keep arriving. “There are non-perishable foods, clothes, personal hygiene items, cleaning supplies and also cash donations, via Pix. All help is welcome,” she added.

The Salvar Foundation is a non-profit institution linked to the Fire Department. The work has the support of both academy volunteers and members of the private sector and civil society.

“All material received goes through sorting, is separated and packaged to reach its destination in the best possible way. In addition to this trailer, which is a donation from a company, we also transport donations made by a plane from the Brazilian Area Force (Fab )”, said the major.

Teacher Carol Aleixo, who lives in the Floresta neighborhood, in the eastern region of Belo Horizonte, left her children at school and crossed the city to donate what she has in abundance: goodwill. “We have seen the situation in Rio Grande do Sul on the news. There is no way to just watch and do nothing. Our commitments can be postponed. I really wanted to do something and I have seen that here, things really happen multiplication of loaves, each one doing their part and making the work great”, he says.

Among the donations, a small pair of hands stands out in social work. In a light way, child scout Helena Cintra, aged 9, has played a fundamental role in the action.

“I’m opening the cardboard boxes that will receive the donations,” he explained.

Even at a young age, the child is aware of what is happening in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and, most importantly, is aware of the need to help.

“We have to do our part, if everyone does it, it will help a lot”, he pointed out.

Donations can be made from 8am to 9pm, in the Pampulha airport lobby. Donations on Pix can be made via email: [email protected].

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Volunteers Minas Gerais send tons donations Rio Grande Sul




