Arraial do mirante heats up festivities for the 66th Amazonas Folklore Festival


Arraial do mirante is an initiative of the Independent League of Folklore Groups of Manaus (LIGFM) and receives support from the City of Manaus, through the Municipal Foundation of Culture, Tourism and Events (Manauscult), as explained by the director-president of the department , Reginei Rodrigues. “Supporting cultural events in municipal spaces is a way to value our culture and promote community participation in activities that celebrate our identity. Arraial do Mirante Lúcia Almeida is an example of this, providing a unique experience for residents and visitors of Manaus”, stated Rodrigues.

Community involved

Arraial do Mirante Lúcia Almeida is an initiative that aims to preserve and promote popular culture, highlighting folk dances, typical gastronomy and the festive spirit that pulses within the community involved in the June period.

Student Adrilane Moreira, 18 years old, who is a member of the Dança Nacional group Xote da Karolina, from the Novo Aleixo neighborhood, North Zone, expressed her excitement about participating in the event. The viewpoint is an incredible opportunity to show our presentation style, share our culture and traditions with the community”, he reported.

The comic group As Poderosas, directly from the Petrópolis neighborhood, in the South Zone, brought around 50 dancers to perform at the Lúcia Almeida viewpoint. Among them, dancer May Lima, 29 years old, who comments on the experience. “It is an honor to be part of this important event for our city. Our group prepared with great care to bring all the excitement and joy of the June gang to Arraial do Mirante.”


The Arraial do Mirante Lúcia Almeida serves as a warm-up for the long-awaited 66th Amazonas Folklore Festival, which will take place at the Centro Cultural Povos da Amazônia, located on Avenida Silves, Distrito Industrial 1 neighborhood, South Zone. This year, the performances are scheduled for the period from June 8th to 23rd, promising to bring even more fun and culture to lovers of June traditions.

During the five days of the event, the space will host 35 groups that include traditional square dances, cirandas and northeastern dances. Entry is free and the event takes place from 7pm to 11pm, providing access to everyone who wants to get involved with June traditions and celebrate the contagious joy of this festival so beloved by Manauaras.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Arraial mirante heats festivities #66th Amazonas Folklore Festival




