Federal Police carry out operation in the interior of Bahia against ‘sucker’ scam at ATMs | Bahia

Federal Police carry out operation in the interior of Bahia against ‘sucker’ scam at ATMs | Bahia
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1 of 1 According to investigators, the “Chupa Cabra” Scam consists of inserting a device into a bank’s ATM that causes the victim’s card to get stuck in the terminal. — Photo: Military Police
According to investigators, the “Chupa Cabra” Scam consists of inserting a device into a bank’s ATM that causes the victim’s card to get stuck in the terminal. — Photo: Military Police

This Thursday (9), the Federal Police carried out two search and seizure warrants in Feira de Santana, approximately 100 km from Salvador. The operation investigates crimes of qualified embezzlement and criminal association in a scam known as “sucker” at bank branch ATMs.

The investigation began after scams were carried out at a bank branch in the municipality of Jales, in the interior of São Paulo. In the action known as “suck it up”, scammers install plastic objects in the magnetic card insertion nozzle in electronic terminals, and in this way, they manage to improperly retain users’ cards.

The suspects also placed stickers on the cash registers with a fake number. After having the card retained, account holders were instructed by suspects involved in the scam who were at the bank branch to call the clandestine telephone exchange, where the criminals pretended to be local employees.

In this way, the suspects obtained the victims’ personal and banking details, with the aim of carrying out illicit bank transfers.

During the investigation by the PF station in Jales, the person responsible for registering the number used in the fraud was identified. she misused the data of another person, who had no relation to the scam, that is, another victim of the criminal group.

The PF then found that the main person being investigated lives in Feira de Santana and identified his residence and a property where the clandestine telephone exchange could operate. During Operation Meada, documents, cell phones, computers and media related to the crimes under investigation were seized, as well as other items.

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