Politicians, public servants and businesspeople are targets of operations in SC

Politicians, public servants and businesspeople are targets of operations in SC
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05/09/2024 10:00 am

Operation ‘Miraculum’ aims to investigate possible crimes against public administration in the municipality of Timbé do Sul

Photo: Civil Police

The Santa Catarina Civil Police carried out the “Miraculum” operation this Wednesday morning (9) to investigate possible crimes against the public administration in the municipality of Timbé do Sul, located in the Far South of Santa Catarina. The operation targeted political agents, public servants and businesspeople in the region, all suspected of involvement in illicit activities.

In total, eleven search and seizure warrants were executed in public offices, companies and residences. The operation aimed to collect evidence and documents that could prove the commission of crimes such as the frustration of the competitive nature of bidding procedures, as well as the acquisition of items in quantities considered disproportionate to the real needs of the municipality.

The investigations began in 2021 and revealed irregularities, including simulated refueling in vehicles and machines that were apparently out of operation, suggesting possible fraud in public contracts. Furthermore, during the investigation, weapons of illegal origin were seized and two people were arrested for illegal possession of a firearm.

The search and seizure was authorized by the Court of Justice of Santa Catarina (TJSC) after a favorable opinion from the Public Ministry of Santa Catarina (MPSC), indicating the seriousness of the accusations and the need for immediate actions to prevent greater damage to the public administration and the public treasury. .


The operation had the support of civil police officers from several anti-corruption police stations of the DEIC (Criminal Investigation Division), the Anti-Money Laundering Technology Laboratory, and the Regional Police Stations of Araranguá and Tubarão.

With the conclusion of this stage, investigations continue to identify other parties involved and understand the full scope of the irregularities. The Civil Police of Santa Catarina reaffirms its commitment to combating crimes against public administration and asks for the public’s collaboration in reporting suspicious activities.

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Source: Writing with information from OCP News

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Politicians public servants businesspeople targets operations




