Sesau trains health center employees on the new appointment scheduling system

Sesau trains health center employees on the new appointment scheduling system
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Improving the lives of the State’s population has always been the main objective of the Government of Roraima. To achieve this, it is necessary to invest in technological innovations that help make life easier for patients in the Unified Health System (SUS).

This Thursday, the 9th, Sesau (Secretary of Health) held training on the use of the new system for scheduling appointments, SisREG. The course took place in the SEMSA (Municipal Health Department) auditorium, located in the center, and was aimed exclusively at professionals who work in the Capital’s Basic Health Units (health posts).

“They are being trained in SISREG to learn how to operate the system, how to enter [a marcação da data da consulta], how you will route it, how each tab in the system serves. This way, they will be able to guide the population that seeks their unit to follow this health service through the ‘Meu SUS Digital’ app”, stated the director of the Sesau Regulation Department, Manuel Roque.

SisREG (National Regulation System) is an online system created to manage the entire State regulation network, from the basic network to the specialized network, aiming at the humanization of services, greater flow control and optimization in the use of resources .

“It will help Roraima precisely in this sense of reducing in-person queues. When the patient attends the basic unit, he will be entered into the system by that unit, and will be able to monitor via My SUS Digital whether the appointment has already been scheduled or is still waiting for the appointment”, highlighted Manuel.

The director of UBS Mecejana, Beth Josefina Cavalcante, is one of the participants in the training, and highlights the improvements in patient care with the new system.

“Once the patient goes through the doctor and is referred to a specialist, we register them in the system, and with the new system, this process will be improved. The patient will be able to monitor whether they are on hold or not, which will help reduce demand at the health center,” said the participant.


SUS (Unified Health System) patients will be able to view appointment dates and exam appointments through the ‘Meu SUS Digital’ application.

The app is still in the testing phase, and is only available to patients at Policlínica Coronel Mota, Women’s Health Reference Center, HMI (Hospital Materno Infantil Nossa Senhora de Nazareth) and HGR (Hospital Geral de Roraima Rubens de Souza Bento) who will return to the units, not valid for the first consultation.

“My SUS Digital is not for scheduling appointments, but for monitoring the appointment, checking whether it has already been scheduled or not”, highlighted the director.

However, it is important for the patient to keep their personal data up to date. “The patient needs to understand that they need to contact the basic health unit to update their data. To be able to schedule appointments through both UBS and Coronel Mota, we need the patient to have an updated SUS card, address, telephone number, everything correct”, he added.

To access, you must register on the Federal Government website (, and create a password for the App.

Patients can ask questions about the application via WhatsApp at (95) 98416-6166, with operators responding from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 6pm.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Sesau trains health center employees appointment scheduling system




