State of SC guarantees more than R$15.8 million in direct support to farmers in April

State of SC guarantees more than R$15.8 million in direct support to farmers in April
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Photo: Government of SC – Disclosure: Notisul Digital

During the month of April, more than R$15.8 million arrived in the field in direct support to producers, through programs carried out by the State Secretariat for Agriculture and Livestock (SAR), together with linked companies, Epagri and Cidasc.

Rural Development Fund and support programs

Of this total amount, R$14.3 million corresponds to 2,652 contracts for financing through the Rural Development Fund (FDR) and assistance to farmers affected by the rains. Among the programs are: Financia Agro SC; Water in the Countryside; Pronampe Agro SC Emergencial Costing and Youth and Women Project.

State Animal Health Fund (Fundesa)

The State Animal Health Fund (Fundesa) transferred R$ 1.5 million last month, 93 producers were assisted in compensating 601 animals. Fundesa compensates rural producers for the sanitary slaughter of sick animals, enabling the continuity of meat and milk production, in addition to preserving public health.

Keywords: agriculture, financial support, Rural Development Fund, State Animal Health Fund, support programs

“These are resources that directly support the producer, encouraging them to stay and invest in the property to increase production potential and guarantee more income for their activity”, says the Secretary of State for Agriculture and Livestock, Valdir Colatto.

Support for municipalities

In direct support to the municipalities, R$3.1 million were transferred this year, through voluntary transfers and agreements. 21 municipalities benefited with the transfer of resources for agricultural events and the purchase of machinery and equipment.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: State guarantees R15 .8 million direct support farmers April




