Defense of assaulted nanny and lawyer shot by couple in Manaus condominium regrets decision on popular jury | Amazon

Defense of assaulted nanny and lawyer shot by couple in Manaus condominium regrets decision on popular jury | Amazon
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1 of 1 Jussana and Nonato are defendants for attempted qualified murder. — Photo: Reproduction/Social media
Jussana and Nonato are defendants for attempted qualified murder. — Photo: Reproduction/Social media

On Wednesday (8), TJAM released the information that the case had been transferred from the Jury Court to a Common Criminal Court in Manaus.

The judge of the 3rd Court of the Jury Court of the District of Manaus, Mauro Antony, declined the jurisdiction to judge the action involving the case, as he understood that the defendants did not commit crimes that fall within the jurisdiction of the Court of Manaus. Jury, against the victims.

In a statement, the legal firm Berçot&Berçot, which represents the victims, says that the decision completely ignored the evidence produced attached to the process.

“Thus, it appears that this Decision needs to be reformed, as it removed from Society the Constitutional Right to judge the Accused, through the Popular Jury Court, transforming a serious and heinous crime into a simple fight between neighbors”, said the defense .

Also in a note, the office informs that it will appeal the decision so that the defendants can be brought to trial by the Popular Jury Court.

With the decision, the case will be transferred, via electronic distribution, to a Common Criminal Court in the District of Manaus, which must continue with judicial procedures until they are judged by a judge.

According to the judge, the court has no doubt that the victims were attacked by the accused, which caused them the injuries described in the corpus delicti examination reports.

“This is indisputable, but attributing attempted murder to both men is to honor objective criminal liability, which is unacceptable in the Brazilian criminal legal system. There is also no need to talk about the incidence of the principle of “in dubio pro societate”, which establishes that in cases of doubt the judge must rule on the accused, submitting him to trial before the people’s court”, wrote the magistrate.

In view of the decision that declines jurisdiction, Mauro Antony also determines that the incident issues, such as the revocation of the precautionary measures imposed on the defendants and the request to initiate a police investigation for false testimony in relation to one of the people who gave testimony, must be decided by the Criminal Court that will process the Criminal Action.

The case took place on August 18, 2023. According to records from the condominium’s security cameras, the fight began after the nanny, who is an employee of a lawyer, passed next to the couple as they exited the condominium’s elevator.

A Amazon Networkthe victim’s employee said that the civil police officer’s wife verbally attacked her and then began physical attacks.

The lawyer then ran to break up the fight between the women. Internal security circuit footage recorded the moment the man tried to control his temper.

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The recording also shows the moment in which the investigator passes a weapon to the woman. With the revolver in her hands, she shot the lawyer, who was hit in the left calf.

The lawyer was attended to and taken to an Emergency Care Service (SPA) in the capital. After the procedures, he was released.

The police officer’s wife was arrested and on Saturday (19) she underwent a custody hearing, in which the court maintained her arrest and issued a warrant against the man. He was detained on Sunday (20).

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Defense assaulted nanny lawyer shot couple Manaus condominium regrets decision popular jury Amazon




