Civil Defense releases names of dead and missing people in RS; see list

Civil Defense releases names of dead and missing people in RS; see list
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The Civil Defense of Rio Grande do Sul released this Thursday (9) a list with the names of those killed and missing due to the floods that are ravaging the state. ebc.gif?id=1594401&o=node

According to the latest bulletin, released at 6pm, 107 deaths were recorded due to the rains. A death is investigated to see if it is related to the tragedy. The list contains the names of victims identified so far.

The number of missing people reaches 134. Civil Defense advises anyone who finds their name on the list of missing persons to contact the nearest Civil Police Station to regularize the data and request the name to be removed from the list.

The number of homeless people in Rio Grande do Sul more than doubled in 24 hours, going from more than 163 thousand this Wednesday (8) to 327,105 this Thursday (9), according to the latest bulletin from the state Civil Defense, with data released at 6pm. These are people who, at some point, had to leave their homes and seek shelter in the homes of relatives, friends or in public shelters.

In total, 1.74 million people from Rio Grande do Sul have already been affected in some way by the floods, that is, they have lost their homes and are without electricity, water or food.

The article is in Portuguese


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