Brothers separated for 45 years reunite in Mato Grosso with the help of the Civil Police

Brothers separated for 45 years reunite in Mato Grosso with the help of the Civil Police
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Ari Elias Barbosa, 81 years old, and his brother Rubens Elias Barbosa, 71 years old, separated for more than 45 years, had the opportunity to meet again today in Barra do Garças (509 km east of Cuiabá), after action by the Civil Police of the municipality. The moment they had been waiting for for four decades, happened at the Barra do Garças Flagrantes Center, when the two met again and hugged.

The investigations began when Mr. Ari Elias, resident in Cuiabá, went to Barra do Garças and sought out the Civil Police requesting help to find his brother. Ari said that he had lost contact with his youngest daughter more than 45 years ago, and the search for him became a journey that spanned decades, filled with longing and confidence that it would reach a happy outcome.

During these long years and always hoping to locate her uncle, Ari’s daughter discovered that Rubens Elias could be living in the city of Barra do Garças. Based on the information passed on by the family, the civil police officers coordinated by police chief Adriano Marcos Alencar began to investigate the whereabouts of the 71-year-old man.

After meticulous investigative work tracking records and interviews with local residents, the team managed to find Rubens Elias’ address in the São José neighborhood. Given the long-awaited news, a meeting between Ari Elias and Rubens Elias was prepared, which moved everyone who witnessed the warm embrace, filled with tears and fraternal words unspoken for 45 years.

For Mr. Ari Elias, the search for his brother was a mission driven by the affectionate memories of his mother, who before she passed away, always asked about her missing son. The weight of these years of separation made the reunion even more meaningful for both brothers.

After the emotional hug at the police station, Rubens Elias invited Ari Elias to go to his house, meet with other relatives and celebrate.

According to police chief Adriano Marcos Alencar, as they left the police station together, the brothers displayed radiant smiles, carrying with them not only the joy of the moment, but also the certainty that, after so long, the family was together again. “This reunion not only warmed the hearts of those who witnessed the special moment, but also served as a powerful reminder of the power of brotherly love and human perseverance. In a world often marked by separations and distances, this story reminds us of the importance of never giving up on those we love. Society can always count on support from the Civil Police”, highlighted the delegate.

The information comes from the Civil Police.

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The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Brothers separated years reunite Mato Grosso Civil Police




