35 candidates will be invited to the tax auditor training course

35 candidates will be invited to the tax auditor training course
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posted on 05/09/2024 14:56

The TCU competition aims to fill 20 vacancies for the position of federal external control auditor – (credit: Leopoldo Silva/Agencia Senado)

Thirty-five candidates approved in the Federal Audit Court (TCU) competition, opened in 2021, will be invited to the federal external control auditor training course. The training will take place from June 3rd to 28th and has a workload of 120 hours. The call notice will be published in the Official Gazette of the Union on Friday (10/5). Registration will take place on May 13th and 14th.

To date, 206 people have already been invited, 46 women and 160 men, to carry out the 3rd Training Program.

The TCU competition aims to fill 20 vacancies for the position of federal external control auditor, as well as the formation of a reserve register, subject to the validity period of the competition.

The contest is held in two stages. The first consisted of an objective multiple-choice test and a discursive test, both of an eliminatory and classificatory nature, under the responsibility of Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). The second phase is the training program, of an eliminatory nature, to be carried out by the Serzedello Corrêa Institute of the Federal Audit Court.

According to the notice, candidates who do not register within the stipulated period will be considered withdrawn and eliminated from the competition.

“If there are withdrawals or new vacancies become available, more candidates will be invited to enroll in accordance with the classification order of the first stage. The remaining candidates approved in the first stage and not called up for the Training Program will be classified on the reserve registration list, and will have their approval in the competition conditioned on participation in any future Training Programs, the effective implementation of which will depend exclusively on the interest of the Administration, observing the validity period of the competition”, says the notice.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: candidates invited tax auditor training




