Minas Gerais Agency | Registration open for recruitment and temporary hiring in the state education network

Minas Gerais Agency | Registration open for recruitment and temporary hiring in the state education network
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Professionals interested in joining the Administrative and Teaching careers of the State Department of Education of Minas Gerais (SEE/MG), who are not registered in the department’s Reserve Registry, will have a new opportunity to join the state education network .

A new registration process will be opened on the website of the Temporary Personnel Administration and Management System (Siagepe) from 10am on 5/15, meeting the requirements of the Electoral Law.

This process will end on 5/21 at 5pm. All information about registrations can be found in the system.

In accordance with the rules of the legislation, the department published, this Thursday (9/5), SEE Resolutions No. 5,007 and No. 5,008, which provide for the criteria and procedures for this extemporaneous registration and classification in the Reserve Registry for call/ temporary hiring of candidates.

Resolution No. 5,008 is available on pages 17 to 34 and No. 5,007, from pages 34 to 37, in the Official Gazette of Minas Gerais.

The temporary call to the Teaching Staff will be for the roles of Educational Analyst/School Inspector (ANE/IE), Basic Education Specialist (EEB) and Basic Education Teacher (PEB).

Temporary hires for the Administrative Staff are intended for the roles of Basic Education Services Assistant (ASB), Basic Education Technical Assistant (ATB) and Basic Education Analyst (AEB).

“It is a great opportunity for candidates who wish to enter the state education network and who are not yet part of the Reserve Registry. I highlight the importance of this registration, as we are in an election year and there is a different calendar for this period”, highlights Gláucia Ribeiro, Undersecretary of Human Resources Management at SEE/MG.

Final result

The final classification of registered candidates is scheduled to be published on the Education website, at this link, from 5pm on 10/6.

Teaching Framework

The temporary call candidate may register for the following teaching positions: Educational Analyst/School Inspector (ANE/IE), Basic Education Specialist (EEB) and Basic Education Teacher (PEB) in the modalities of Regular Education, Special Education , Comprehensive Education, Professional Education and State Music Conservatories.

Before starting to register, the candidate must ensure that the function/curricular component/area of ​​knowledge, teaching modality and course for which he/she intends to register exists in the SRE district.

The candidate may make up to three different registrations per SRE and of free choice for the Teaching Framework in the modalities of Regular Education, Special Education, Comprehensive Education, Professional Education and Music Conservatory.

When temporarily called up, the current rules for the accumulation of positions must be observed.

Administrative Framework

The candidate for temporary employment may register on the Reserve Registry for the following functions of the Administrative Staff of the State Education Network Units: Basic Education Analyst (AEB) – Social Worker, Physiotherapist, Speech Therapist, Psychologist and Occupational Therapist; Basic Education Technical Assistant (ATB) and Basic Education Services Assistant (ASB).

Before starting to register, the candidate must ensure that the role for which he or she intends to register exists in the SRE district.

The interested party may make up to three registrations per SRE in the Reserve Registry, of free choice, observing, at the time of temporary hiring, the current rules for the accumulation of positions, as provided for in specific legislation.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Minas Gerais Agency Registration open recruitment temporary hiring state education network




