PF seizes a ton of cocaine inside a vessel in the Port of Aratu, in Salvador | Bahia

PF seizes a ton of cocaine inside a vessel in the Port of Aratu, in Salvador | Bahia
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PF seizes a ton of cocaine inside a vessel in the Port of Aratu, in Salvador

The Federal Police seized a ton of cocaine in the early hours of this Thursday (9), at the Port of Aratu, in Salvador. According to the Federal Police, the drugs were inside a vessel and no one was arrested.

The drug was found by federal police officers during a joint action with teams from the Bahia Public Security Secretariat (SSP-BA). The Brazilian Navy also assisted with logistics.

1 of 2 Cocaine was packed in packaging suitable for sea crossing — Photo: Disclosure/PF
Cocaine was packed in packaging suitable for sea crossing — Photo: Disclosure/PF

The PF did not detail how the agents reached the vessel, which is called Cavaleiros and was docked in Porto, but did detail that the cocaine was packed in packaging suitable for sea crossing.

The suspicion is that the illicit material would be taken to other countries, crossing the Atlantic Ocean. The destination, however, is still unknown.

The Federal Police reported that investigations continue to find those responsible for the substance. Those involved may face charges of drug trafficking and criminal organization.

2 of 2 A ton of cocaine is seized on a vessel in the Port of Aratu — Photo: Disclosure/PF
A ton of cocaine is seized on a vessel in the Port of Aratu — Photo: Disclosure/PF

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