Passenger is shot dead inside an app car during a race; criminals fled after the crime | Pernambuco

Passenger is shot dead inside an app car during a race; criminals fled after the crime | Pernambuco
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Woman is shot dead during app race and criminals flee after the crime

A passenger was shot dead inside a ride-hailing car during the race route, in the Pina neighborhood, in the South Zone of Recife. According to the Civil Police, two men, who were on foot, shot the victim and fled. The case is being investigated as a homicide (see video above).

The crime took place in the early hours of this Thursday (9), on Rua Boaventura Rodrigues. The victim, whose name was not released, was a 33-year-old woman.

To the police, the app driver and owner of the car said that the woman requested the ride to Barra de Jangada, in Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Greater Recife, and had just gotten into the vehicle when the criminals appeared.

1 of 1 Vehicle had gunshot marks on the windows — Photo: Elvys Lopes/TV Globo
Vehicle had gunshot marks on the windows — Photo: Elvys Lopes/TV Globo

After shooting her, the two criminals fled the scene and the driver got out of the car running, but was not injured. In the vehicle’s windows, it is possible to see the mark of six gunshots.

The driver called the police, and agents from the 19th Battalion isolated the crime area for investigation. According to the Civil Police, investigations “continue until the crime is clarified.”

VIDEOS: most seen in Pernambuco in the last 7 days

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Passenger shot dead app car race criminals fled crime Pernambuco




