Roraima promotes actions to help flood victims in RS

Roraima promotes actions to help flood victims in RS
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Bruna Cássia – From Cenarium Magazine

RORAIMA – Entities from the State of Roraima mobilized to help the victims of the floods that hit the State of Rio Grande do Sul. At least 85% of the cities in the region were affected; more than 130 people are missing; and at least 100 people died.

Among the actions carried out in Roraima are the collection of food, water and hygiene items. Furthermore, a team from the Roraima State Military Fire Department (CBM-RR) was sent to the south of the country to assist in rescue actions and help for homeless people.

Across the state, there are 67,563 people homeless because of the floods (Photo: Ricardo Stuckert/PR)

This Friday, the 10th, a cultural action will be held with the aim of raising donations for flood victims. The program is carried out by the Association of Musicians, Sound Technicians, Lighting and Assistants of Roraima (Assimutur), starting at 2pm, at Praça Velia Coutinho, in Boa Vista.

Among the shows confirmed so far are Cássia Kyss; Xote de Buteco; Remela de Gato Band; Anny Lopes; Denies Ray; Juninho Pegada; Gabriel Carreiro; Neto Andrade; Baby Boaventura; John Mayson; Richard Andresson; Kleber Lopes; Felipe Flores; Ello Machado; Chiquinho Pinho and Fagner França.

During the event, non-perishable food, mattresses, shoes, blankets and other items that help people alleviate the inconvenience caused by the environmental disaster will also be collected.

The action is in partnership with the City of Boa Vista and the Centro de Tradições Gaúchas de Roraima (CTG-RR), which has become a collection point for items. “We are asking for the collaboration of everyone in Roraima to donate some articles to send to Rio Grande do Sul”, publicized the CTG on social media.

Another collection point will be at the rectory of the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR). The unit is collecting items such as diapers, baby formula, personal hygiene kits, as well as water and food, until 12pm on Friday, 10th. After that, all material collected will be sent to Rio Grande do Sul.

Read more: Influencers and artists mobilize to help victims in Rio Grande do Sul
Edited by Aldizangela Brito
Reviewed by Gustavo Gilona


The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Roraima promotes actions flood victims




