Procon Acre Intensifies inspection and guides consumers for Mother’s Day

Procon Acre Intensifies inspection and guides consumers for Mother’s Day
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Willamis Franca, from Notícias da Hora

09 May 2024

In this week’s podcast, PROCON AC welcomed president Alana Albuquerque and head of inspection John Lynneker to discuss the body’s actions this May, a period marked by Mother’s Day. According to Alan, it is crucial that consumers are attentive when shopping during this period of intensified commerce.

The Mother’s Day operation, which began at the end of April, will continue until the second half of May, aiming to guarantee safe shopping for consumers. PROCON AC is carrying out inspection actions in partnership with Ipem, both in the capital and in the interior of the state, with emphasis on the regions of Alto Acre, Purus, Rio Branco and Cruzeiro do Sul.

In addition to inspections, PROCON AC is promoting an educational campaign to avoid scams and fraud during purchases. Alana Albuquerque emphasizes the importance of planning before shopping, comparing prices between physical and virtual stores, and checking the quality of products. He also highlights the importance of demanding an invoice, which is essential to prove the consumer relationship and guarantee future rights in case of problems with the purchased products.

John Lynneker adds additional tips for consumers, such as checking the security of online purchases, being wary of suspicious emails and promotions. It highlights the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and recommends caution when entering personal information on the internet.

An important suggestion from Lynneker is the use of virtual credit cards provided by some banks, which generate a unique security code for each purchase, increasing consumer security against fraud.

In summary, PROCON AC is active during this period of intensified shopping, working to ensure consumer safety and providing essential guidance to avoid problems during shopping.

Consumers can access the Conversa Franca podcast YouTube channel to watch the full podcast and obtain more information about their rights and safety while shopping.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Procon Acre Intensifies inspection guides consumers Mothers Day




