Embasa sends more than 40 thousand cups of water to flood victims in Rio Grande do Sul – Acorda Cidade

Photo: Disclosure/ Embasa

One of the most important resources in helping flood victims in Rio Grande do Sul, treated water is being sent to the state, through a task force carried out by the Bahian Water and Sanitation Company (Embasa). The agency is initially sending 48,000 200 ml glasses of packaged treated water, which correspond to a total of 10 tons.

The cups, with Água Bahia, collected and treated from the Dias D’Ávila supply system, operated by Embasa, are being transported free of charge by the airline Azul. Delivery will be directed to the Red Cross, Civil Defense and social institutions.

Other bodies and departments of the State of Bahia are also mobilized to help the victims with services and donations that also include food, mattresses, clothes, shoes and hygiene and cleaning items. The Department of Health (Sesab) is collecting donations from employees and sent four employees, doctors, nurses and sanitation workers with experience in natural disasters and humanitarian actions, to join the national SUS force.

The State Education Secretariat (SEC) is collecting donations that can be delivered to the secretariat’s headquarters, located in the Administrative Center, in Salvador, or to school units in the capital and interior. The Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (Secti) maintains a collection point, focusing on cleaning materials and mineral water, but accepting other types of donations, which must be delivered to the secretariat’s reception, close to the Court of Justice of the Bahia, at CAB.

Another state body that is mobilized for solidarity is the Data Processing Company of the State of Bahia (Prodeb), which installed a collection box at its headquarters, in the CAB. The organization is also promoting campaigns on social media, asking for and encouraging donations of mattresses, bedding and pet food, which will be sent to RS, through the NGO @sejasemente.

The State Finance Department (Sefaz) also launched the campaign “#SOS RS – All of Rio Grande do Sul fits in our hearts”, and provided collection points at the headquarters, in the Administrative Center of Bahia and in the Collection directorates of the Metropolitan regions. (Salvador), North (Feira de Santana) and South (Vitória da Conquista).

The State Attorney General’s Office (PGE-BA) also included diapers in the donation items of the SOS Rio Grande do Sul Campaign, which is being carried out with the internal and external public. Collection points were made available in its regional offices and at CONPEG (National College of Attorneys General). Conder also joined the mobilization with the “All for Rio Grande do Sul” campaign, receiving donations at the organization’s headquarters.

Firefighters in action

The Bahia Military Fire Department (CBMBA) sent 22 employees to Rio Grande do Sul, to work on rescuing the victims. The agents headed to the state of Rio Grande do Sul on May 2, and have already rescued at least 212 people and 20 animals, in addition to recovering six bodies. The Bahian firefighters are working with other fire departments from other Brazilian states and, in addition to the searches, the military provides care and encouragement to citizens who are suffering from the rain that falls in the region.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Embasa sends thousand cups water flood victims Rio Grande Sul Acorda Cidade




