SC surpasses 150 deaths from dengue, but maintains a downward trend for new cases | Santa Catarina

SC surpasses 150 deaths from dengue, but maintains a downward trend for new cases | Santa Catarina
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1 of 2 Fighting dengue — Photo: Pedro Ivo/Agência O Dia/Estadão Conteúdo
Fight against dengue — Photo: Pedro Ivo/Agência O Dia/Estadão Conteúdo

Santa Catarina This week surpassed the tragic mark of 150 deaths from dengue in 2024, the highest mark ever registered by the state in a single year. Bulletin from the Epidemiological Surveillance Directorate (Dive-SC), with data until Monday (6), points to 151 confirmed deaths and another 50 under investigation.

Regarding the incidence of the disease caused by Aedes aegypti, there are 245,073 probable cases spread across 278 of the 295 municipalities in Santa Catarina.

Despite the record numbers of deaths and cases, the state is on a downward trend in the incidence of dengue fever. This is what the disease’s epidemiological situation report also published this week by the Ministry of Health points out.

2 of 2 Graph shows drop in probable dengue cases per week — Photo: Dive/Reproduction
Graph shows drop in probable dengue cases per week — Photo: Dive/Reproduction

In relation to deaths, the cities of Itajaí and Joinville concentrate the largest number of records. The 50 deaths under investigation are spread across 14 municipalities.

In addition to combating stagnant water sources, which are breeding grounds for mosquitoes, vaccination is one of the most effective measures against the serious symptoms of the disease.

Coverage to date remains low in the two regions where the application was authorized:

  • North of Santa Catarina (13 cities): 33.41%
  • Greater Florianópolis (19 cities): 17.17%

The Epidemiological Surveillance Directorate published guidelines to prevent the spread of mosquitoes. The important thing is not to leave standing water, so that the insect cannot reproduce.

  • avoid using dishes in plant pots – if you use them, add sand to the brim;
  • store bottles with the neck facing down;
  • keep trash bins covered;
  • always leave the water tanks sealed, without any opening, especially the water tanks;
  • plants such as bromeliads should be avoided, as they accumulate water;
  • treat pool water with chlorine and clean it once a week;
  • keep drains closed and unblocked;
  • brush the animals’ food and water bowls at least once a week;
  • remove water accumulated on slabs;
  • flush toilets that are rarely used at least once a week;
  • keep the toilet lid closed;
  • avoid accumulating rubbish, as it can become a breeding ground for the dengue mosquito;
  • report the existence of possible outbreaks of Aedes aegypti to the Municipal Health Department;
  • If you have symptoms of dengue, chikungunya fever or zika virus, look for a health unit for care.

The main symptoms of dengue are:

  • fever of 39°C to 40°C with abrupt onset
  • headache
  • weakness
  • body pain
  • joint pain
  • pain in the back of the eyes
  • spots on the body
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • vomiting

Dive’s recommendation is that anyone who presents symptoms should seek a health service.

How to know if you have dengue and if it is serious

Review the most watched VIDEOS from G1 SC

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: surpasses deaths dengue maintains downward trend cases Santa Catarina




