Police recover soybean cargo and find kidnapped driver in Mato Grosso

Police recover soybean cargo and find kidnapped driver in Mato Grosso
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Police from the Organized Crime Combat Management (GCCO) today released a driver who was kidnapped, and had his truck carrying soybeans stolen on BR-070, and recovered the vehicle. The agricultural cargo and the truck with semi-trailers are valued at R$786 thousand.

The GCCO received information this Thursday morning about investigations regarding the possible action of a gang in the theft of cargo, in the municipality of Campo Verde, using the Rota Verde, which passes through BR-364 and 070 and where large vehicles are commonly approached. .

30 kilometers from Campo Verde, civil police officers saw a trailer with a tractor in the courtyard of a gas station, parked in an unusual attitude. After monitoring, investigators carried out the approach, but found that the vehicle was empty, with a damaged panel and an attempt to remove the tracker. Two falsified license plates were found in the truck’s cabin, which would be used to deface the stolen vehicle.

The recovered vehicle and cargo were taken to the Campo Verde Police Station and the GCCO team continued the search to locate the driver. After patrols in a region of Várzea Grande widely used for capturing victims of cargo theft, the specialized management team located a person with the same characteristics as the 34-year-old driver of the truck. He was found asking for help on a road in the Capão Grande region, at the back of the 24 de Outubro neighborhood.

The victim confirmed her identity and reported to GCCO police officers that she was robbed the night before, in Campo Verde, when criminals approached her on the federal highway. The GCCO reported that it continues with the investigation to locate the perpetrators of the robbery increased by the competition of people, use of a firearm and restriction of the victim’s freedom.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Police recover soybean cargo find kidnapped driver Mato Grosso




