18-year-old man arrested after causing damage and threatening his own mother, police say | Tocantins

18-year-old man arrested after causing damage and threatening his own mother, police say | Tocantins
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1 of 1 Tocantins Civil Police Vehicles — Photo: Reproduction/SSP-TO
Tocantins Civil Police vehicles — Photo: Reproduction/SSP-TO

An 18-year-old girl is suspected of committing crimes of harm and threat against her own mother. According to the Civil Police, the woman was arrested in the act and the investigation is ongoing at the Tocantínia police station.

The 36-year-old victim went to the police station on Wednesday (8), after the crime, and the police searched to locate the suspected daughter. She was taken to the Civil Police Service Center in Miracema, where she was charged with the crimes in question.

Investigations are now continuing to clarify all the details of the incident. The suspect remains at the disposal of Justice, awaiting the appropriate measures.

The victim told the police that he only remembers falling to the ground and, when he woke up, he was being attended to by the UBS medical team. The team located the attacker in a family car wash.

The suspect was detained and police discovered that he has an outstanding arrest warrant for theft. He was taken to the Araguaína police station for legal proceedings.

The article is in Portuguese


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