Deputies approve PL that reduces environmental control; see how RN voted

Deputies approve PL that reduces environmental control; see how RN voted
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Even in view of the situation that is happening in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), as a result of climate change, the Chamber of Deputies approved this Wednesday (08) Bill 1366/22, from the Federal Senate, which excludes forestry – forest cultivation – from the list of potentially polluting activities that use environmental resources. From Rio Grande do Norte, only Natália Bonavides (PT) and Fernando Mineiro (PT) voted against. Now, the matter will be sent for presidential sanction.

With the measure, the planting of forests for cellulose extraction – pine and eucalyptus, for example – will no longer require environmental licensing and will not be subject to payment of the Environmental Control and Inspection Fee (TFCA).

The change occurs in the National Environmental Policy Law (Law 6,938/81). The planting of large areas of eucalyptus, despite having aspects that can be considered positive, such as carbon capture, affects other aspects of the environment, as the trees consume a large amount of water and do not harbor a diversity of fauna.

Federal deputy and pre-candidate for mayor of Natal, Bonavides spoke about the vote. As she explains, the measure reduces environmental control of the activity known as forestry.

“Not even when an entire state is flooded, suffering the consequences of climate change, does the right wing of Congress stop trying to pass the herd. They just approved another Bill that reduces environmental protection and increases deforestation! Absurd!”declared the parliamentarian this Wednesday (08).

Check out how each RN deputy voted

Benes Leocádio (União Brasil) – Yes

Fernando Mineiro (PT) – No

General Girão (PL) – Yes

João Maia (PP) – Yes

Natália Bonavides (PT) – No

Robinson Faria (PL) – Yes

Sergeant Gonçalves (PL) – Yes

Floods in RS

One of the points presented by the deputies who voted against the project brings as an argument the climate changes occurring in the country, such as the biggest floods in the history of Rio Grande do Sul, which have been happening since last week.

“For projects like this to be on the agenda of the Chamber of Deputies is a mockery of the causes that led us here. It is not possible to continue ignoring the fact that the planet is asking for help.”said deputy Fernanda Melchionna (Psol-RS).

The rains that hit RS have already led to 100 deaths, 128 missing and 372 injured, according to information from the state’s Civil Defense this Wednesday (08).

There are already more than 1.4 million people affected by the rains, in addition to thousands of displaced and homeless people.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Deputies approve reduces environmental control voted




