State school teachers protest for better working conditions | Pernambuco

State school teachers protest for better working conditions | Pernambuco
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Teachers walked from Alepe to Palácio do Campo das Princesas, in the center of Recife

Around 200 teachers from the state’s public education network met this Thursday morning (9), to protest asking for the category to be valued. The gathering began at 9 am in front of the Legislative Assembly of Pernambuco (Alepe), in Boa Vista, and continued to the Palácio do Campo das Princesas, in Santo Antônio, in the center of Recife.

The mobilization was called by the Education Workers Union of the State of Pernambuco (Sintepe). Among the demands of teachers are the following:

  • Valuation of the minimum salary;
  • Reformulation of the job and career plan;
  • Direct elections for school management;
  • Air conditioning in all classrooms;
  • Quality snack.

According to the president of Sintepe, Ivete Caetano, the demands were delivered to the state executive headquarters and two separate negotiations are scheduled to debate the educational and resource demands.

“There are 49 points of items on the agenda of demands delivered to the state government. We will have negotiations today, the 9th, on the education table and on the 16th on the financial part. Soon after, we will have the assembly to decide the position of the category” , explained the union leader.

In a statement, the Pernambuco Department of Education and Sports (SEE) said that it maintains dialogue with Sintepe through periodic negotiation meetings. He also stated that:

  • More than 4,430 professionals approved in the last competition were called up this year, including teachers and educational analysts;
  • There are specific sectors, made up of engineers, who closely monitor the structures of the units;
  • Nutritionists inspect the quality of meals provided by contracted companies and carry out training on good food storage and handling practices.

1 of 1 Teachers protested in front of the Legislative Assembly of Pernambuco — Photo: TV Globo
Teachers protested in front of the Legislative Assembly of Pernambuco — Photo: TV Globo

Minister of Education in Pernambuco

Education Minister Camilo Santana came to Recife, this Thursday (9), to launch the “Pé-de-meia” program. The event takes place at the Arena de Pernambuco, in São Lourenço da Mata, in Greater Recife.

The program will offer financial incentives to high school students through the payment of scholarships throughout their school years. According to the minister, around 177 thousand students will benefit from the program in Pernambuco.

VIDEOS: most viewed in the last 7 days in Pernambuco

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: State school teachers protest working conditions Pernambuco




