Detran-AM removes 340 irregular motorcycles from circulation in the first months of this year


Between the months of January and May this year, the State Department of Traffic of Amazonas (Detran-AM) removed 340 motorcycles that were circulating in Manaus irregularly as a result of the practice of ‘free unloading’. Free exhaust is when the motorcycle only runs through one pipe and does not have any muffler or silencer.

The vehicles were removed during Inspection actions, often carried out in different areas of Manaus. According to Detran, the practice of free unloading has left the sphere of traffic and has become a matter of safety, public health and respect for others.

“Excessive noise can lead to stress, disrupted sleep and even long-term health problems. Furthermore, free unloading on motorcycles can result in emissions of toxic gases above permitted limits, contributing to air pollution”, declared the general coordinator of Inspection at Detran-AM, Arthur Cruz.


Detran-AM operations over the weekend remove 81 motorcycles and fine vehicles

Detran-AM holds an auction with 200 vehicles on Monday (04/29)

Drivers caught may fall within the scope of Art.230, $ 195.23) and retention of the vehicle until the irregularity is remedied.

In addition to fines and detention, the driver may be arrested for committing a criminal offense, adopted as an extreme measure to guarantee others’ right to peace of mind.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: DetranAM removes irregular motorcycles circulation months year




