Seciteci delivers 202 refurbished computers to 16 MT institutions

Seciteci delivers 202 refurbished computers to 16 MT institutions
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The State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation (Seciteci) delivered, this Wednesday (05/08), 202 computers refurbished by the Computer Reconditioning Center (CRC) to 16 institutions in Mato Grosso.

In partnership with the NGO Programando o Futuro, the action, carried out by the Recytec Program, recycles discarded equipment and distributes it to schools, community entities, telecenters, associations and unions, providing access to technology and information for populations in situations of social vulnerability.

Among the institutions benefiting from this initiative are the Associação MT Queer, Associação Santo Antônio da Aldeia de Poxoréo, the Instituto Mato-grossense dos Cegos (ICEMAT), as well as city halls, schools and secretariats from several municipalities in the state.

The Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation, Allan Kardec, highlighted the contribution of public bodies to the program, highlighting the importance of reusing equipment that would otherwise be discarded, polluting the environment.

“We received from the Court of Justice of Mato Grosso 12 tons of computers which, after being duly recovered, are now ready to serve dozens of institutions in Mato Grosso”, emphasized Kardec.

For Associação MT Queer, one of those covered by the Recytec Program, this donation will not only facilitate its practical work, but will also significantly strengthen its capacity to defend the rights and needs of the LGBTQIAPN+ community.

“The donation of this equipment will benefit our culture point in several ways. Firstly, it will allow us to serve the population as a digital point, facilitating access to information and online resources. Furthermore, we will be able to register the LGBTQIAPN+ community with social assistance services, which will enable us to find ways to help people in socially vulnerable situations. This data will also be essential as support and documentation for us to demand more public policies for the benefit of the community”, explained Hiago Conrado, president of the Association.

The project coordinator of the NGO Programando o Futuro, Kelly Cristina dos Reis, highlights that the entire reconditioning process is carried out in accordance with environmental standards, with the issuance of Final Waste Destination Certificates (CDF). Another part of the material is in the separation and disassembly phase, and will be sent to companies responsible for recycling soon.

Recytec remains open to receive electronic waste that would otherwise be discarded, both from companies and individuals. To make a donation, simply send the material to the program headquarters, located at the State Technical School of Cuiabá (Av. Gonçalo Antunes de Barros – Carumbé), or schedule collection by phone: (65) 99229-2675.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Seciteci delivers refurbished computers institutions




