Event brings information about HPV to 160 Cruzeiro students

Event brings information about HPV to 160 Cruzeiro students
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Teams from the Health Department (SES-DF) visited, this Thursday (9), the Cruzeiro Integrated Secondary Education Center (Cemi) for a talk with young people about the human papillomavirus (HPV). Around 160 students listened to public doctors, gynecologists and experts on the subject. The event was organized by the Women of Brazil Group, in celebration of Education for Life Week.

HPV specialist Resalla Salum Filho lists some important factors for the safety of young people. First, knowledge. Second, preventive measures: vaccination, use of condoms during sexual intercourse and consultations with a urologist and gynecologist. “Sometimes, a person, due to lack of knowledge, acquires the disease and does not manage in the best way possible. So, our objective is to resolve these issues and bring information, as well as demystify some points about the topic”, she explains.

The event was organized by the Women of Brazil Group, in celebration of Education for Life Week | Photo: Jhonatan Cantarelle/Agência Saúde-DF

First year student Miqueias de Almeida Alves, 15, had a question about HPV vaccine protection and wanted to know, for example, if he and his partner were immunized they could still become infected. “It was good because I was able to clarify this and now we know what to do”, said the boy.

The disease

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus capable of infecting both the skin and the oral, genital and anal mucosa, causing warts or lesions that can develop into cancer, such as those of the cervix, vulva, vagina, anus, penis and oropharynx.

The main form of transmission occurs through sexual intercourse, but transmission can also occur without penetration, through direct contact with infected skin.

The Government of the Federal District (GDF), through SES-DF, began applying a single dose of the HPV vaccine to children and adolescents aged 9 to 14 in April this year. The change in protocol follows guidance from the Ministry of Health and aims to increase coverage against the virus, which causes cervical cancer and other complications.

HPV can be detected through regular clinical examinations that include observation of the presence of warts and screening tests such as a Pap smear.


The Government of the Federal District (GDF), through SES-DF, began applying a single dose of the HPV vaccine to children and adolescents aged 9 to 14 in April this year. The change in protocol follows guidance from the Ministry of Health and aims to increase coverage against the virus, which causes cervical cancer and other complications. Until April, the vaccine was made in two doses.

A single dose of the vaccine is available in vaccination rooms. The opening hours and address of each one can be found on the SES-DF website. Parents or guardians must show up with the child or adolescent’s identification document and immunization record.

The DF was the first unit in the Federation to offer the HPV vaccine to the population, starting immunization of girls in 2013 and boys in 2017. However, even with the pioneering spirit, the capital is below the nationally established vaccination coverage target. .

*With information from the Health Department of the Federal District (SES-DF)

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Event brings information HPV Cruzeiro students

