People from Sergipe who live in Porto Alegre talk about floods in RS: ‘war scenario’ | Sergipe

People from Sergipe who live in Porto Alegre talk about floods in RS: ‘war scenario’ | Sergipe
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People from Sergipe talk about the situation they face in RS

Football player, Carlos Alexandre, said that the city of Porto Alegre, where he has been living for about a month, is experiencing a rationing situation. “The water is already running out, many places don’t have power. It’s really a horror scenario,” he described.

Given the situation, he highlights that the moment is one of solidarity among Brazilians to contribute to helping the residents of Rio Grande de Sul. “It’s a moment of unity. People from Sergipe, continue in prayers and helping as much as you can”, he asked.

The flight attendant, Allan Santana, said that the search for basic items is something that worries residents a lot. “The situation is very sad. I never thought we would experience a war scenario here. Water has become something disputed. In the markets, the shelves are empty, things have become more expensive”, he said.

According to him, the lack of access and information about friends is very distressing. “Porto Alegre is closed, because the airport flooded. The bus station too. There is no way to access the interior of the state if you don’t have a car. I have friends who lost houses, were left on rooftops, others who were reported missing on Friday and were only rescued on Sunday. All of this is quite traumatic,” he said.

1 of 1 Aerial view of Canoas, a municipality north of Porto Alegre — Photo: Getty Images/File
Aerial view of Canoas, a municipality north of Porto Alegre — Photo: Getty Images/File

There are 232.1 thousand people away from home. Of this total, 67,542 are in shelters and 164,583 are homeless (people staying with family or friends).

RS has 425 of its 497 municipalities with some report of problems related to the storm, with 1.476 million people affected.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: People Sergipe live Porto Alegre talk floods war scenario Sergipe




