Industrial Production in AM records a drop of 13.9% in March

Industrial Production in AM records a drop of 13.9% in March
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May 9, 2024

(Photo Disclosure)

In March of this year, Industrial Production in Amazonas showed a sharp drop, of 13.9%, compared to the month of February. Compared to the same period last year, there was also a drop in production, this time by 10.9%. In the year to date, there was an increase of 4.4% in the State’s Industrial Production. The data comes from the Monthly Industry Survey, released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE.

Luan Rezende, head of Dissemination at IBGE Amazonas, explains that the decline, in March, occurred due to the drop in production in 7 of the 12 activities at the Manaus Industrial Pole – PIM.

The results for March also placed Amazonas in the last position in the national ranking, among the 17 states evaluated. The best performances came from the States of Pará, with 3.8%; Mato Grosso, with 2.5%; and Santa Catarina, with 2.3%.

Also according to Luan Rezende, in March, Amazonas had the worst performance since April 2023, but presents prospects for improvement in the next evaluations.

Nuno Lôbo – Rádio Rio Mar

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Industrial Production records drop March




