Sindiex sets up group to plan the economy of ES without tax incentives


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Tax reform puts an end to the current structure. The concern of the government and businesspeople is not to enter into a kind of vacuum after 2032, when the benefits end

Published on 05/09/2024 at 12:32 pm

Vila Velha Port Terminal (TVV), the only container terminal in the State. Credit: Carlos Alberto Silva

The Importer and Exporter Trade Union of Espírito Santo (Sindiex), which brings together the heavyweights of international trade in Espírito Santo, installed, on the morning of this Thursday (09), the Strategic Council for Foreign Trade and Logistics of Espírito Santo, named Recomex-ES. The group – made up of businesspeople, executives, entity directors, lawyers representing the state government and parliamentarians – aims to put together a strategy for the State’s economy for post-2032, the last year with tax benefits in operation. The tax reform, approved last year, puts an end to the current structure.

“We need to discuss and work to find a good alternative for our economy for post-2032. This is not a small change, we have to be prepared for what is to come. To do this, we need to debate, listen, formulate and run behind whatever is necessary to keep us well”, explained Sidemar Acosta, president of Sindiex. “The important thing is to understand the scenario and observe the opportunities that will arise. We have a good business environment, good institutional relationships, investments in ports getting off the ground, great geographic location thinking about Brazil and the world… We have a good context, but What needs to be improved so that we don’t suffer in the future? We have to move forward on the railway and road issues, in short, there are several aspects that will be discussed, discussed and planned so that things move forward with the necessary speed”.

It is important to always remember that the economic structure of Espírito Santo, since the eradication of coffee plantations in the 60s, was entirely built on the granting of tax incentives. Fundap (Port Activities Development Fund), established in the early 1970s, with support from the federal government, was the first of these. The concern of the government and businesspeople is not to enter into a kind of vacuum post-2032, which would harm and disorganize the economy of Espírito Santo.

The installation of Recomex-ES took place this Thursday, and next week, the 16th, work will actually begin. “Working groups will be set up. We will define what the model will be like and how deliveries will take place,” said Acosta.

Members of the Strategic Council for Foreign Trade and Logistics of Espírito Santo. Credit: Sindiex Disclosure/Caca Lima

Recomex-ES Members:

  • Sidemar Acosta (President Sindiex)
  • Agnaldo Martins (1st Vice President Sindiex)
  • Erimar Trindade (2nd Vice-President Sindiex)
  • Rachel Freixo (Undersecretary of State for Development)
  • Thiago Venâncio (SEFAZ)
  • Samir Nemmer
  • Bruno Barcelos
  • Rodrigo Judice
  • Leonardo Gonoring
  • Rodrigo de Paula (PGE)
  • Jasson Amaral (PGE)
  • Ricardo Campos
  • Lucas Mendonça
  • Marcelo Mendonça
  • Idalberto Moro (Sincades/Fecomércio)
  • Cezar Wagner Pinto (Sincades/Fecomércio)
  • Nailson Dalla Bernadina (ES em Ação)
  • Benicio Costa (SEFAZ)
  • Deputy Da Vitória
  • Deputy Marcelo Santos
  • Bruno Negris
  • Gustavo Guerra
  • Luciana Mattar

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