Brazil takes the lead to host the women’s football world cup


On May 17, the International Football Federation (Fifa) will announce the venue for the next Women’s Football World Cup in 2027. And the Brazilian candidacy is optimistic about the result. “Our goal is to leave there proving to the world that Brazil is a natural choice,” said Manuela Ventura Silvério Biz, communications consultant for the Brazilian candidacy. Brazil’s only competitor to host the event is the joint candidacy presented by Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.ebc.gif?id=1594197&o=node

“The FIFA Women’s World Cup, if it comes to Brazil, will not be an isolated event. It will be the result of past achievements. If we are in the position today of asking FIFA to bring a World Cup to Brazil, it is because there was a history that was built back there. The achievements of these women in the past brought us to this place”, said Manuela.

women's football team - friendly with Japan 2023
women's football team - friendly with Japan 2023

Women’s football team: The 2027 World Cup should bring together 32 teams, who will face each other between the months of June and July. – NAYRA HALM

“We want to celebrate all these achievements, but we cannot stop here. We are not yet where we need to be. So we also want him [o torneio] is also a platform or opportunity to continue building and create an even better future for women’s football”, he added.

For Valesca Araújo, the executive responsible for the Brazilian candidacy, the event can prove the greatness of women’s football in the country. “The difference with this candidacy is that it is not a sports tournament. She is confirmation of the greatness of women’s football”, she said, during an online press interview held on Wednesday night (8).

The 2027 World Cup should bring together 32 teams, which will face each other between the months of June and July.

To host the games, the Brazilian candidacy presented and indicated stadiums in ten capital cities: Belo Horizonte (at the Mineirão stadium), Brasília (Mané Garrincha), Cuiabá (Arena Pantanal), Fortaleza (Arena Castelão), Manaus (Arena da Amazônia), Porto Alegre (Beira-Rio), Recife (Arena de Pernambuco), Rio de Janeiro (Maracanã), Salvador (Arena Fonte Nova) and São Paulo (Arena Corinthians). These stadiums have already hosted the men’s World Cup, held in 2014.

As for the training centers, the Brazilian candidacy presented 36 cities to receive the delegations. Furthermore, he recommended the Maracanã stadium, in Rio de Janeiro, for the opening and closing games.

According to the Brazilian candidacy, the arenas that will host the matches will not require major works because they were already used in the 2014 Men’s World Cup and are still in operation, being used for competitions held in the country.

Evaluation report

On Tuesday (7), an evaluation report released by the International Football Federation (Fifa) pointed out that Brazil’s bid to host the 2027 Women’s Football World Cup received a higher score than the joint bid presented by Belgium. , Netherlands and Germany South Africa and the joint candidacy between Mexico and the United States withdrew from the dispute.

Brazil’s proposal received the highest overall average score, 4.0 points, out of a total of 5 points, followed by the joint proposal from Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, with 3.7 points. In the almost 100-page report, FIFA members who inspected Brazil praised the stadiums chosen by Brazil to host the event and highlighted the country’s commercial potential.

“Brazil’s candidacy offers good stadiums, specifically built and generally configured for the biggest international events, having hosted the 2014 World Cup. It also presents a strong commercial position, with a combination of revenue potential and cost efficiency”, FIFA executives reported in the document.

“We are very happy with the result of FIFA’s report. The document shows that Brazil complied with excellence with the strict requirements of the candidacy process”, stated the president of the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF), Ednaldo Rodrigues.

The final decision on choosing the venue for the event will only be announced on May 17th, in Thailand. Voting will be open and carried out by 211 presidents of federations associated with FIFA.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Brazil takes lead host womens football world cup




