AL-BA approves payment of court orders and creation of vacancies in the DPT

AL-BA approves payment of court orders and creation of vacancies in the DPT
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The two Bills were approved by the Legislative Assembly of Bahia (AL-BA) late this Tuesday afternoon (7), with the aim of regulating the distribution of approximately R$1.5 billion from the 3rd installment of court orders. judicial payments paid to the State by the Union, as a complement to Fundef funds not transferred between 1998 and 2006.

The projects were sent last Thursday (2). One of them guarantees the allocation of more than R$900 million – that is, 60% of the amount reimbursed to the State this year – to pay all teachers and pedagogical coordinators who worked in basic education from January 1998 to December 2006.

PL nº 25,319/2024 was also approved, which creates, in the structure of the Civil Police of Bahia, 561 new permanent positions distributed as follows: 300 Criminal Expert positions; 180 Medical Examiner; 20 Dental-Legal Expert positions and 61 Civil Police Technical Expert positions.

The two projects were considered thanks to an agreement between the government and opposition benches, which reversed the agendas, as the priority on the agenda was voting on the PL 25.233/2024, which establishes the Bahia pela Paz program. The proposal was put up for consideration, but the minority asked for consideration and postponed the vote again.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: ALBA approves payment court orders creation vacancies DPT




