4 things your poop could be telling you


Among bodily functions, one of the most important is pooping. Many people avoid talking about this, but the fact is that good bowel function is fundamental to our health. Not by chance, the organ is also called the second brain.

And the fact is that your poop may want to say things that you are not always willing (or prepared) to hear. But it’s important to know what bowel movements are telling us.

1. Frequency in the bathroom

There is no exact calculation of the ideal frequency of bowel movements. (Source: Getty Images / Reproduction)

Contrary to what we sometimes think, there is no exact calculation of what would be ideal when we talk about numbers of evacuations per period. But, if we were to look for a metric, we could say that between three times a day and three times a week is considered normal.

The number of times we poop can be influenced by several factors. One of the most important is diet. Eating foods rich in fiber is a first step towards regulating your intestines. The second point is hydration: water keeps the stool soft and makes evacuation easier.

But pooping too frequently can also be something to pay attention to. If you are having a lot of bowel movements, this could indicate changes in your diet or even a health problem. If you suspect this, the ideal is to always see a doctor.

2. Float or float?

Poop that sinks to the bottom of the toilet is preferable. (Source: Getty Images / Reproduction)

Another aspect that is often debated is this: why does poop sometimes sink in the toilet, and other times float? What would be considered healthier? To understand this, it is important to understand the composition of our feces.

Basically, our poop is made up of water, fiber, bacteria and waste from the digestive system. Stool density changes due to several factors, including diet, hydration levels and how well our body absorbs nutrients.

With this, we came to the conclusion that normally healthy poop should sink into the toilet. The high density of feces tends to indicate adequate hydration and a balanced diet. If your poop always floats in the toilet, this could be an indication of poor nutrient absorption and a high-fat diet. Therefore, it is good to pay attention to this sign if this happens frequently.

3. Colors in poop

(Source: GettyImages/ Reproduction)
There is a wide palette of colors for our feces. (Source: Getty Images / Reproduction)

When it comes to colors, poop could also be manifesting something to us. There are some variations in the palette, such as classic brown or dark brown, reminiscent of strong coffee. These two tones often indicate a normally functioning digestive system.

But poop can be shades of green – which indicates excessive consumption of leaves or foods with green food coloring. In this case, you need to pay attention to how long it lasts.

Other possible shades are off-white and red. In the latter case, this may indicate consumption of beetroot, for example, but also the presence of blood. White can mean an obstruction in the bile duct. Therefore, the ideal is to monitor and, if you are concerned, consult a doctor.

4. The dreaded travel constipation

Constipation while traveling is a very common problem. (Source: GettyImages/ Reproduction)
Constipation while traveling is a very common problem. (Source: Getty Images / Reproduction)

Many people feel that when they travel they experience uncomfortable constipation. If this happens to you, know that there is a scientific explanation: it is caused by the brain.

This is because the brain receives a signal that we are not in a normal, safe environment, which can trigger a stress response, releasing hormones like cortisol and slowing down poop production.

The change in routine also has an impact. Our gut likes predictability. When we change our rhythm of schedules, meals and food consumed, it can confuse you. Finally, there is the lack of hydration, as we sometimes drink less water when we travel, which makes the stool hard.

Therefore, to avoid this problem, the key is to prevent it: drinking plenty of water and eating snacks rich in fiber usually help to keep things working properly.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: poop telling




