Do you feel sleepy when you are with your partner? That’s not a bad sign

Do you feel sleepy when you are with your partner? That’s not a bad sign
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On the contrary, it can indicate a relationship of trust and full love; understand!

You and your love snuggled up to watch that movie and, after 15 minutes, you fell into a deep sleep. Who doesn’t identify with this scene? It is very common among couples and can sometimes even lead to disagreements.

But it shouldn’t. This, in fact, may indicate a trust in the relationshipshowing that the person feels comfortable with their partner.

This happens because a feeling of security activates the parasympathetic part of the nervous system, responsible for relaxation. This explains, for example, why it’s more difficult to fall asleep with a partner you’re still getting to know and aren’t as intimate with.

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Chemicals come into action when we are close to our loved one and the body releases hormones that promote relaxation, well-being and sleep.

Oxytocin, for example, known as the “cuddle hormone”, is responsible for awakening feelings of love and trust in moments of connection, such as during childbirth, breastfeeding and hugs.

Oxytocin is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland – the body’s main gland – located in the brain. Its best-known function is to stimulate the contraction of the uterus during childbirth. But it exists in both men and women and has other functions.

“In addition to its use in childbirth, oxytocin acts as a neurotransmitter, regulating social interaction behavior, which is why it is also known as the ‘love hormone’”, explains endocrinologist Andressa Heimbecher in an article in Minha Vida.

More recent evolutionary studies indicate the activity of oxytocin in the formation of affectionate bonds between mothers and children and also in romantic relationships. In other words: the hormone acts when there is union and bonds of affection between human beings.

“The brain releases oxytocin when there is skin contact between human beings and also when a trusting relationship is formed between individuals”, explains the doctor.

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Serotonin is another important chemical that explains this relaxation around your loved one. It is a neurotransmitter associated with happiness and well-being, which helps us feel more stable in relationships.

Finally, there is dopamine, responsible for the sensation of reward and pleasure – and its presence is notable in the company of your loved one.

In synergy, these hormones released with your loved one help explain relaxation – and that unexpected nap as soon as the movie started.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: feel sleepy partner bad sign




