Moderna did not admit that residual DNA in vaccines could lead to cancer

Moderna did not admit that residual DNA in vaccines could lead to cancer
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Conclusion of Comprova: Viral post deceives by stating that the pharmaceutical company Moderna has admitted that its vaccine against Covid-19 can cause the immunized person to develop cancer due to DNA residues in the product. In fact, there is residual DNA in mRNA vaccines, such as Moderna’s, but this does not interfere with safety.

“Our vaccine against Covid-19 was subjected to extensive clinical and non-clinical tests to demonstrate its efficacy, quality and safety,” the pharmaceutical company told Comprova. The company explained that “residual DNA is an impurity related to the manufacturing process” that does not affect the final product. It also said that its processes follow standards established extensively and reviewed by regulatory bodies.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a North American health surveillance body, has a similar conclusion. In a 2023 document on residual DNA in mRNA vaccines, the agency states that “there is nothing to indicate damage to the genome, such as increased cancer rates” and guarantees the safety and effectiveness of all immunizations approved in the United States (the Moderna is one of them).

In Brazil, two vaccines against Covid produced by the pharmaceutical company are registered by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), Spikevax bivalent and Spikevax monovalent. The last one had registration granted in March and is updated to protect against the Kraken variant. This week, the first doses of the vaccine arrived in Brazil as part of a contract signed last month for the acquisition of 12.5 million doses.

The post uses an excerpt from a speech by doctor Robert Malone, known for misinforming about vaccines. The same video was used in another misleading publication verified by Comprova this week, also attacking, without evidence, the Moderna vaccine.

Comprova tried to speak to the author of the content, but the profile on X does not receive messages. No similar profiles were identified on other social networks.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Moderna admit residual DNA vaccines lead cancer




