see how much protein you should consume

see how much protein you should consume
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Protein has gained more and more prominence in the diet. This is mainly the result of new research that reinforces the importance of the nutrient for gaining and maintaining muscle mass and, consequently, for health and well-being, regardless of age group.

Food: see how much protein you should consume

Photo: Shutterstock / Saúde em Dia

“Protein consumption combined with a strength exercise program (bodybuilding) helps prevent sarcopenia. The condition, linked to aging, leads to the natural loss of muscle mass after the age of 40. But it is also related to unbalanced diets for weight loss, with low protein intake and that do not have the support of exercise”, explains nutritionist Nataniel Viuniski, member of the Herbalife Nutrition Affairs Council.

Furthermore, another point that makes this nutrient an ally for health and weight control is the fact that it promotes satiety for longer. In this way, protein contributes to a lower calorie intake throughout the day — a very interesting strategy for those who want to lose weight.

What is the ideal amount of protein for each person?

The International Society of Sports Nutrition, the entity that guides international sports nutrition guidelines, states that daily protein consumption varies according to the lifestyle, type of exercise practiced and each person’s weight.

According to the organization, those who exercise regularly should ingest between 1.4 and 2.0 g per kilogram per day of protein, while those who practice endurance exercises (such as marathons and triathlons, for example) should ingest levels at the lower limit. of this track.

Those who do intermittent activities (exercises that mix high and low intensity, such as football and volleyball, for example) should consume levels in the middle of this range. And, those who practice strength/power exercises (bodybuilding) should ingest levels at the upper end of this range.

For people who do not exercise, the recommendation is around 1 g/kg/day of protein. This is because this amount is already enough to meet the needs of adult men and women.

For example: A sedentary person should consume 1 g of protein per kilogram. Therefore, if she weighs 60 kg, just multiply 1 x 60 to know that the total protein to be ingested is approximately 60 grams per day.

The importance of fractionation

It is worth noting that, in addition to adjusting the amount of protein in meals, it is interesting that the consumption of the nutrient is divided throughout the day. This way, the body makes better use of the nutrient provided.

“Protein supplements, such as whey protein, protein bars and shakes are interesting and very practical in contributing to an adequate intake of the nutrient”, says the nutritionist.

To better control the amount of protein consumed, try to eat around 25 g in main meals and 10 g in snacks. In addition, consult the nutritional table of the food, weigh the cooked proteins a few times to familiarize yourself with the quantity in the usual portions and use an app that helps with daily control.

Check the amount of protein in some foods:

  • 1 egg: 6g
  • 1 full-fat Greek yogurt (90g): 5g
  • 1 glass of whole milk (200 ml): 5.8g
  • 2 measures (12g): 8.4g
  • 1 chicken fillet (100g): 21g
  • 1 sirloin steak (100g): 26.8g
  • 1 salmon steak (100g): 26g
  • 1 filet mignon steak (100g): 32.7g

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: protein consume




