Beyond work: cultivating well-being

Beyond work: cultivating well-being
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In a world where professional demands are increasingly intense and everyday pressures seem incessant, it’s easy to lose sight of what really matters: our mental health and well-being. As operational director of Águas Cuiabá, I have witnessed firsthand the profound and positive impact that physical activity can have on our personal and professional lives.

At the heart of our journey to success is the need to recognize and embrace the importance of physical activity. The science is clear: Regular exercise not only strengthens our bodies, but also fuels our minds. By releasing endorphins, these exercises offer us a natural source of energy, which increases resilience against stress and reduces the anxiety that so often accompanies everyday professional life.

Furthermore, the application of the Wheel of Life concept, developed by Paul J. Meyer, is relevant. This self-assessment tool allows us to visualize important areas, such as health, work, relationships and leisure, and identify where we can seek balance. Integrating the Wheel of Life practice into the workplace can provide valuable insights into how employees can improve their well-being in all areas of their lives.

But the benefits of physical activity go far beyond a momentary feeling of happiness. Studies show that active individuals tend to perform better at work, thanks to their greater capacity for concentration, creativity and decision-making. And it’s not just about productivity: high self-esteem and improved sleep from regular exercise contribute to a positive mindset and a more confident approach to professional challenges.

Self-leadership, fundamental to the search for this balance, is enhanced by a solid support network. At Águas Cuiabá, we recognize the importance of offering opportunities to exercise. We encourage daily, through the Se Cuida project, professional and sports integration. Capoeira, volleyball, self-defense and yoga are among the practices present and available in the daily lives of our employees.

Among the activities promoted by the company, in particular, running was the practice that guided me in this integration of body and mind. Águas Cuiabá has a team that challenges itself in competitions, which I have been part of since 2023. Since then, several kilometers have been covered, training and tests have become part of my routine. The sensation of the first 14 km completed was proof of the positive impact that practicing physical activity had on my life.

In this sense, I would like to encourage leaders and managers to take an active role in promoting the well-being of their teams, encouraging and supporting exercise. Whether through incentives for walking or workplace activity programs, it is essential that we prioritize mental health care.

Encouraging the practice of physical activities and the positive consequences can have a direct impact on the company’s results, generating tangible benefits, including increased team productivity and improved organizational climate. Therefore, I invite everyone to join us on this journey towards balance and success. Let’s commit to prioritizing our mental health by recognizing that physical activity is much more than a luxury – it’s a necessity.

Julie Campbell is operational director of Águas Cuiabá

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: work cultivating wellbeing




