How detergent can become “contaminated”


Anvisa suspended the sale and distribution of certain batches of Ypê detergent due to the risk of biological contamination. Química Amparo, the manufacturer of the product, reported that the products do not pose a threat to health.

Photo: Disclosure/Ypê

The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) suspended the sale and distribution of certain batches of detergent Ypedue to the risk of biological contamination. The measure was announced in the Official Gazette of the Union, published last Tuesday (7).

Química Amparo, the manufacturer of detergent, reported that the products from the batches indicated for recall do not present any health threats. Anvisa revealed that the product recall was carried out voluntarily, without specifying the date.

In a note, the company explains that there has been a change in the traditional odor of the products, and that despite not presenting risks to consumer health or safety, there are cases that are noticeable to smell.

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The reason was a “deviation” during the production monitoring analysis, indicating a potential risk of microbiological contamination.

According to Rebeca Bacani, researcher and PhD in Physics from the University of São Paulo (USP), all chemical products have a recipe to make them stable, so that there is no separation of ingredients, that they are always in the same texture and with same smell.

Based on what Química Amparo reported, Rebeca points out that something must have unbalanced this batch of products, making them unsuitable for sale. There is no way to know for sure what it was, as the company did not disclose the specific problem.

“For example, water [na receita do produto] it did not go through quality control or something must have unbalanced the recipe so that microbiological contamination could appear. Something happened in the recipe for these batches that opened up this possibility,” he said.

Apart from a possible imbalance of ingredients, Rebeca highlights that other forms of contamination can come directly from the raw materials used in the products, and for some reason, go through the manufacturer’s quality control.

The recalled products were manufactured between July, August, September, November and December 2022, with final batches 1 and 3. The specific product numbers are in the publication of the Official Gazette of the Union.

Check out the full note from Química Amparo:


Química Amparo informs that the batches of dishwashers, the subject of the voluntary recall action reported by Anvisa, had been tracked by the company’s quality control, which began collecting the items more than a month ago, according to a plan previously submitted to the regulatory agency .

After a rigorous internal analysis, the possibility of decharacterization of their traditional odor was identified in some specific batches, without risk to consumer health or safety, however, in some cases perceptible to smell.

It is important to highlight that there is no prohibition on the sale of the product, but only the blocking and collection of specific lots indicated in the voluntary action proposed by the company itself.

Furthermore, the company reinforces that safety, the quality of its products and attention to customers and consumers have been priorities since its foundation, more than 70 years ago.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: detergent contaminated




