Discover 5 signs that may indicate that your liver is not well

Discover 5 signs that may indicate that your liver is not well
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Another essential test is ultrasound, which can analyze the liver structurally very well and also check whether there is any other type of problem, such as fat accumulation (hepatic steatosis), gallstones, etc.

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If the person weighs more than what is considered healthy and an ultrasound has already confirmed hepatic steatosis, it is a good idea to see a gastroenterologist or a hepatologist to investigate whether the disease is related to obesity or some other factor.

Eliminating toxins depends on treating the underlying disease, but a lifestyle change always helps. Milder cases are treated only with changes in diet: avoiding processed foods and the consumption of alcohol (which can cause damage to the point of causing liver cirrhosis) are important steps, as well as increasing the consumption of natural foods, especially fruits, vegetables and vegetables, and water.

However, in more serious situations, medications may be needed to reduce inflammation, cholesterol, blood glucose and other factors that affect the liver.

Sources: Gabriela Cillagastrologist, clinical, functional and sports nutritionist and director of Clínica NutriCilla, in São Paulo (SP); Marcelo da Silva Pedro, surgeon at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein and Hospital São Luiz, both in São Paulo (SP), and member of the board of directors of the Department of Gastroenterology at APM (Associação Paulista de Medicina); It is Vanessa Pradodigestive system surgeon, doctor at the Digestive System Specialty Center at Hospital Nove de Julho, in São Paulo (SP), and member of the SBCD (Brazilian Society of Digestive System Surgery) and SBC (Brazilian Society of Coloproctology).

The article is in Portuguese

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