What is aloe vera good for? Understand benefits



Discover the main health benefits of aloe vera




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A aloe vera, also known as aloe vera, is a succulent plant that has medicinal and therapeutic properties.

A aloe it’s a plant versatile It is beneficial, with a series of applications in both traditional medicine and cosmetics industry.

It is important to highlight that, despite its many benefits, some people may be allergic to aloe vera, and it is always recommended to make a sensitivity test before using products containing this plant.

Health benefits of aloe vera

According to the Viva Bem website, there are many health benefits of aloe vera, Check out some below.

1. It’s good for skin and hair

Discover the benefits of aloe vera for the skin. – Istock

Aloe vera gel is good for hair as it hydrates, improves dry and brittle strands, reduces frizz, helps with growth and reduces hair loss.

In some cases, it can also be effective against dandruff.

On the skin, aloe vera is used in creams, gels, serums or lotions to treat wounds, dry skin and burns, especially those caused by the sun.

Overall, the gel acts as a natural moisturizer that softens, hydrates the skin and speeds up healing.

2. Reduces inflammation

As it contains anti-inflammatories, such as aloesin (flavonoid), it can reduce inflammation in the skin and other parts of the body.

3. It can contribute to oral health

Rinsing your mouth with aloe vera gel can help with mouth problems caused by bacteria. But it is important to use it carefully, as too much can irritate the mouth.

Aloe vera is versatile, but its consumption must be observed – Freepik

4. Slows down aging

Aloe vera, because it has antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, beta-carotene and polyphenols, helps protect the skin from free radical damage, leaving it healthier and delaying aging.

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Tags: aloe vera good Understand benefits



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