Luana Piovani goes back and congratulates Pedro Scooby for his rescues in RS

Luana Piovani goes back and congratulates Pedro Scooby for his rescues in RS
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After taking to social media to criticize Pedro Scooby for volunteering to help victims in Rio Grande do Sul and “abandoning” his duties as a father, actress Luana Piovani backtracked. She shared a video of an interview with the surfer, in which he describes the scenes he has witnessed during rescues. The artist, who is in Portuguese lands, praised the work.

In the images, Scooby highlighted that his training has helped in rescues. “I’m here as a big wave surfer because all the years I’ve trained big waves in my life, the strong training has always been rescue. So that’s why we got together and said ‘let’s go’ and we’re doing our best. But, man, the scenes were terrible..”, he said, in an interview with SBT.

“You see a little bit of everything, this city is underwater. There are some people who are still reluctant to go out, but we have been trying to convince everyone because a cold front is coming. Then rescuing in the rain, in storms, in wind, will become much more difficult. We are there for whatever happens, for whoever needs it. Until I take the last one out”, added the surfer.

Piovani commented on her ex-husband’s video: “May God bless you. Solidarity. Compassion.”

Luana Piovani congratulates Pedro Scooby for rescues in RS

Reproduction | Social media

Son not going to class

Luana Piovani went to social media last Tuesday (7), criticizing comments from internet users in a post she published, in favor of the victims of the storms that hit Rio Grande do Sul in recent days. She was pressured by internet users to talk about Scooby and made a revelation about the couple’s eldest son, who now lives with the surfer.

Luana has used social media to publicize kitties and others actions to help victims and reported demands to take a stand on the help that Scooby has given to victims. Through Instagram stories, the actress published a screenshot showing some of the comments. “My son has been in Rio for 20 days [de Janeiro] and he still hasn’t gone to school. For the ***** who think he’s great, get the password”, he wrote in the image.

The artist then posted a series of videos in the form of an outburst about the situation in the south of the country and her personal life. “I have several friends there… I get very shaken by news, images. Yesterday was no longer very easy for me and I ended the day having a crying crisis”, she reported before revealing that she was comforted by her youngest son, also the result of relationship with Pedro Scooby. The two are parents of Dom, 12 years oldand the twins Liz and Bem, aged 8.

“I saw such stupid comments and I had to swallow everything. It’s very desperate when we don’t know exactly what to do, what actions to take. It made me want to start a tsunami again… but that’s it,” she continued. “I will respect the choices, I am working on my frustration here”, stated Luana.

The actress also stated that, despite the reported crying crisis, she was trying to deal with the situation in another way. “Today I feel better and I am able to emotionally understand that the choices were made and that they live their choices. And I’m going to live mine, which is to take good care of everything I set out to take good care of,” she pointed out in what could be a hint to the eldest son and ex-husband.

“I hope everyone can have solidarity and empathy with our brothers in the South, so that we can help and reorganize their lives as quickly as possible. I am very happy to see so many colleagues getting involved and really taking action”, he praised in relation to the movements in favor of the victims of the tragedy that hit Rio Grande do Sul.

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