Luana Piovani praises Pedro Scooby for helping with rescues in RS | Daniel Nascimento

Luana Piovani praises Pedro Scooby for helping with rescues in RS | Daniel Nascimento
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Luana Piovani praises Pedro ScoobyReproduction/Instagram

Published 05/09/2024 20:45

Luana Piovani used social media this Thursday (9) to praise her ex-husband, Pedro Scooby. The actress spoke about the importance of the surfer’s voluntary work, which is helping to rescue people stranded in the floods of Rio Grande do Sul.

In the stories on her Instagram profile, Luana shared a video where the ex-BBB member comments on her volunteer work alongside a group of 10 surfers. Scooby explains that he has always trained a lot for rescues because of his profession and highlighted that the challenge is convincing people to leave their flooded homes.

Piovani published the records on her profile and praised her ex-husband. “God bless you. Solidarity. Compassion,” she wrote in the caption.


Recently, Luana reported that the ex-couple’s eldest son, Dom, aged 12, spent 20 days without attending school after going to live with his father in Rio de Janeiro.

Last Wednesday (9), the artist thanked Scooby’s current wife, Cintia Dicker, for resolving the situation. “It gives me a lot of relief to know that the entire Brazilian society is coming together and moving to help our Rio Grande do Sul. Thank God! It also gives me a lot of relief to know that my son has finally gone to school,” she said. “Thank you, Cintia.”

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Luana Piovani praises Pedro Scooby helping rescues Daniel Nascimento




