Ana Paula Renault accuses Davi of doing ‘tragedy tourism’ in RS | Daniel Nascimento

Ana Paula Renault accuses Davi of doing ‘tragedy tourism’ in RS | Daniel Nascimento
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Published 05/09/2024 13:16 | Updated 05/09/2024 13:18

Ana Paula Renault criticized Davi, winner of BBB 24, accusing him of doing “tragedy tourism” in Rio Grande do Sul. She questioned the former BBB’s stance, claiming that he was exploiting the public calamity to produce content. The issue has had repercussions on social media and continues to divide opinions.

The clash began when Ana Paula was confronted by a user of X, formerly Twitter, who accused her of raising unfounded hypotheses about Davi. The former BBB reacted, defending her position and claiming that Davi was not being transparent about the destination of the donations.

“What hypothesis did I raise?!”, asked Ana Paula, starting another speech against the ex-BBB. “That he lied about the flights, asked Pix to finance the trip, without mentioning the destination, and is still there doing tourist tourism. tragedy to produce content?”, she asked ironically.

The journalist also argued that Davi’s trip could harm aid operations: “Do you know that the cities in the south are experiencing water rationing? That going to the region in a disorganized way, without registering, is just causing chaos?”, she pointed out.

The ex-BBB also pointed out contradictions in Davi’s actions: “It’s one thing to show solidarity, another to exploit tragedy”, she said. “Whindersson, Felipe Neto and thousands of other people are helping […] making it clear, from the beginning, how the donations would be allocated”, she emphasized.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Ana Paula Renault accuses Davi tragedy tourism Daniel Nascimento




