Matteus and Isabelle reveal news and are criticized on the web: ‘This is not the time for this!’

Matteus and Isabelle reveal news and are criticized on the web: ‘This is not the time for this!’
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Love outside BBB 24! Matteus and Isabelle reveal news and are detonated on the web

The romance between the ex-BBBs Isabelle and Matteus became the target of criticism on social media due to the delicate moment that the southern region of Brazil is going through, home to the runner-up of the Globo program.

Matteus and Isabelle, from ‘BBB 24’

Photo: Reproduction/Instagram / Mais Novela

On the web, the sister recently published a photo of a bouquet of flowers and a ring that she received from the partner with whom she started the relationship while still on the reality show.

Despite some affectionate messages and congratulations, many people criticized the celebrities due to the tragedy caused by the rains in Rio Grande do Sul. “Everything marketing”, wrote one person on Instagram.

“Meanwhile the RS he loves so much is bleeding, cities are flooded, without water, without electricity, dead and many homeless”, needled another. “This isn’t the time!”commented a third.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Matteus Isabelle reveal news criticized web time




